General API Request Information

The VAS Developer API is RESTful and makes use of different HTTP methods to perform different operations. To construct your API request, the following components are required: 

Request Component Description

HTTP Method

Retrieves a resource

Submits a new resource

Updates an existing resource

Removes a resource


Resource URI

The resource from which to retrieve, submit, update, or delete data. For instance, to retrieve information about a specific dairy cow, use:​dairies​/{dairyId}​/cows​/{dairyCowId}

NOTE: NOTE: The resource URI is case-sensitive. If you are encountering unexpected 400 errors, check your URI for correct capitalization of resource names.

Query Parameters

Control which data is returned in the API response. For instance, to find a specific dairy cow with an id that includes 25, use:​dairies​/{dairyId}​cows/find?find=25

HTTP Request Headers

Includes the authorization header with the API key and bearer token:

  • Authorization: Bearer {auth token}
  • X-API-Key: {APIKey}